About me…

Hi I’m Rob and I’m a Holistic Health Coach and Educator who is passionate about helping people to achieve balance and get into their best shape – both physically and mentally, by equally focusing their attention on 3 key areas – What You Chew, What You Do & Living True.

I live in country Victoria Australia, and in my spare time, also love to hang out with my family and friends, as well as anything to do with being outdoors including bushwalking, camping, water activities and arts and crafts. I’m also a foodie at heart and enjoy growing and cooking my own food.

If you would like to learn more about these 3 key areas and getting into your best shape, then be sure to follow me across any of my social media platforms, where I share my latest tips, thoughts and inspiration. I look forward to interacting with you!

There are many factors which affect our ability to be in our best shape. And so if we want to have success when it comes to not only getting, but more importantly staying in shape, then it is essential that we address all of these contributing factors, which we can only do by taking a holistic approach.